With new crops and farmers registering in Farmers & Buyers almost every minute, here are the following farmer details available in the site for the convenience of buyers:

  • Location (Village, Tehsil, District and State)
  • Land Size
  • Crop Volume/Quantity
  • Expected Date of Cultivation
  • Crop History
  • Related Products
  • Live Crop Photographs & Video
  • Identity Proof – Name and ID Card (with image)
  • Address Detail and Location -Village, Tehsil, District and State (with image)
  • Contact details - Email id, Phone number, Whatsapp Number (with image)
  • Professional details – Farmer card (with image)
  • Family Details
  • Product Category
  • Years of Experience
  • Crop Details
  • Land Details

Farmer selection process in Farmers & Buyers

Crop Wise Farmer Selection

In Crop Wise Farmer Selection, there are 2 ways:

  • In Farmers & Buyers, buyers can refer to any of the 8 categories of crops listed in the site and get farmer details of only the crops they want to import.
  • When the buyer has a certain crop item in mind, they can search for it in the Farmers & Buyers in three languages – Hindi, English and Gujarati respectively.

Distance Wise Crop Selection

Buyer can set distance and choose farmers and crops in Farmers & Buyers.

The default distance set is within 200Kms (location of buyer as set) appears in a list. The distance can be set at 50Km, 100 Km, 150 km, 200 km, 300 km, 400 Km and 500 Km from the location the buyer sets.

Sorting Farmer Data in Farmers & Buyers

The list of farmer data in the Farmers & Buyers website can be sorted based on Rating, Price, Weight and Date of Cultivation.